
Tour Our School This page will bring you on a tour of St. Cronan's J.N.S.
So scroll down the page to view our:
- Classrooms
- Sports and P.E.
- Garden
- Playground
- Library
Classrooms Our classrooms are spacious, comfortable and most are 'en suite'. All of our classrooms are well resourced with an interactive whiteboard, musical instruments, maths equipment, full sets of library and shared reading books, musical instruments, Numicon, 'Let's Begin' programme, Letterland resources, sandpits in the junior rooms and activities for all to enjoy!
Sports & P.E
We are very fortunate to have a large hall which has a stage in it. Our school has plenty of sports equipment including parachutes, beanbags, a range of balls for all sports, hurdles, balances, hoops, mats, skittles, racquets and uni-hoc sticks, equipment for sports day races, targets, goals, skipping ropes etc.
We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents who have helped us fund raise over the years to buy sports equipment.
Our school has close links with Fingallians GAA club who come to the school on a weekly basis and do gaeilge football lessons with the children. Next year we will also have Hurling lesson for the second classes.
Garden We have a beautiful garden which the children use regularly for gardening, stories in the gazebo, work on the tables, mini beast hunts and when the weather is nice, for picnics. There are six boxes in the garden that are used for the Garden Factor competition each year. Six classes enter the competition and see who can keep their garden box full of colour for the year.
ICT Our school places a big emphasis on ICT. We have an interactive white board in every classroom which is loaded full of the best educational software. We have a set of 16 iPads for the children's use as well as a number of tablets.
The children go to the yard every day for half an hour. The yard has been revamped and equipped with numerous pieces of equipment and manipulative toys. It has been painted and decorated and is very colourful for the children. There is lots to keep all the children entertained.
Library On the 6th of March 2008, Niamh Sharkey, a well known children's author and illustrator officially opened our new school library. Our library is extremely well resourced with a collection of books in many different categories(e.g. poetry, fairy stories, Magic, Mr. Men, Animals etc).